“Fifteen Minutes of Shame is a novel about what happens when America’s favorite TV relationship expert, Darby Vaughn, finds out her husband is cheating---live on national TV.”
Writing Habits: “On Tuesdays and Thursday I take my laptop to the beach and work from there.”
How Did You Get Your Break? “I had lunch with Dutton Editor-in-Chief Trena Keating at BookExpo America to discuss a nonfiction dating advice book, and on whim mentioned my idea for the novel. She told me, ‘Forget the dating book. You’ve got to write that novel.’
Time Frame: “I sold thebook on 9 chapters and a proposal. All in all, it was on year of writing—22 months from start to publication.”
Secret To Success: “I won’t let myself imagine any other outcome.”
Advice: “Get the best writing job you can swing, one where you’re surrounded by writers who are far better than you are.”
Influences: “My friend, the funny and brilliant Lisa Earle McLeod; also Jane Austen, Delia Ephron, Nora Ephron, Michael Alvear, Jennifer Weiner, Sophie Kinsella and Oscar Wilde.”
Weird Hobbies: “Like my protagonist, I’m a TV dating expert, and to my knowledge, my real life husband isn’t planning to dump me on national TV.”
What’s Next?: “I sold the movie rights for Fifteen Minutes of Shame. My nonfiction dating advice book is coming out January 2009, and I’m, working on my second novel.”