Jane F. Kotapish, from New York. Her debut book is Salvage (MacAdam Cage)
“Salvage is a novel about a woman seeking refudge from her paralyzing memories, and the eccentric mother who keeps her on the edge.”
Writing Habaits: “I have two children, so I’m relegated to writing during the preschool hours a couple of days a week.”
How Did you Get your Break? “I was fortunate to have the first pages of Salvage read by an editor I met through a close friend. This editor then referred me to a stellar New York agent.”
Time Frame: “I wrote the first lines July 2003 and finished copyediting in November 2007.”
Secret to Success: “Finding a quiet space far away from my tea kettle and magazine piles.”
Advice: “Just slog through, even on the worst of days, and don’t judge anything you write until a week later.”
Influences: “I danced before I wrote. Everything my mentor, Majorie Mussman, teaches about movement---creating focus, taking chances, making an unequivocal statement—is beautifully applicable to the craft of writing.”
Weird Hobbies: “Eating Czech pastries and watching the first season of ‘Arrested Development’ ad nauseum.”
What’s Next? “A young adult fairy tale, a war novel and a mixed-media-choreographic extravaganza, not necessarily in that order.”
Writing Habaits: “I have two children, so I’m relegated to writing during the preschool hours a couple of days a week.”
How Did you Get your Break? “I was fortunate to have the first pages of Salvage read by an editor I met through a close friend. This editor then referred me to a stellar New York agent.”
Time Frame: “I wrote the first lines July 2003 and finished copyediting in November 2007.”
Secret to Success: “Finding a quiet space far away from my tea kettle and magazine piles.”
Advice: “Just slog through, even on the worst of days, and don’t judge anything you write until a week later.”
Influences: “I danced before I wrote. Everything my mentor, Majorie Mussman, teaches about movement---creating focus, taking chances, making an unequivocal statement—is beautifully applicable to the craft of writing.”
Weird Hobbies: “Eating Czech pastries and watching the first season of ‘Arrested Development’ ad nauseum.”
What’s Next? “A young adult fairy tale, a war novel and a mixed-media-choreographic extravaganza, not necessarily in that order.”
From Writer's Digest June 2008