Freezing Point is a thriller about an environmentalist who thinks he can solve the world’s freshwater crisis by melting Antarctic icebergs into drinking water, but instead, he creates an even bigger problems.”
Writing Habits: “Very early mornings and again in the late, late evenings, seven days a week. Sleep?”
How Did You Get Your Break? “I owe my book deal to Al Gore. Not directly, but by turning the world’s attention to enivironmental issues, An Inconvenient Truth opened the door for eco-thrillers like my own. The novel is fiction, but the problems it touches on are very real.”
Time Frame: “Freezing Point took 1.5 years to write, 6 mos to sell, and another 22 months to hit the shelves.”
Secret to Success: “Networking with established writers and learning everything I could about the business.”
Advice: “Don’t settle for good. Your story idea and its execution need to blow everyone out of the water, from agent , to editor, to reader.”
What’s Next?: “I’m working on a second science thriller that my agent and I both love. “Let’s just say I hope my reader like spiders.”
10/05/08 4:19am