Kindle, A New Way To Read

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Erica Kennedy, author of Bling, has died!

I am stunned to find out Erica Kennedy has died. I remember seeing her and her book, Bling, everywhere! Rest In Peace.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Ray Bradbury

Ray Bradbury died June 5th at age 91. I know him best for Fahrenheit 451. It was required reading in school.
Here’s a statement from the White House the day after his death:  For many Americans, the news of Ray Bradbury's death immediately brought to mind images from his work, imprinted in our minds, often from a young age. His gift for storytelling reshaped our culture and expanded our world. But Ray also understood that our imaginations could be used as a tool for better understanding, a vehicle for change, and an expression of our most cherished values. There is no doubt that Ray will continue to inspire many more generations with his writing, and our thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends.”

First novel

In 1949, Bradbury's and his wife were expecting their first child. He took a Greyhound bus to New York and checked into a room at the YMCA for fifty cents a night. He took his short stories to a dozen publishers and no one wanted them. Just before getting ready to go home, Bradbury had dinner with an editor at Doubleday. When Bradbury recounted that everyone wanted a novel and he didn't have one, the editor, coincidentally named Walter Bradbury, asked if there wasn't enough for a book if Bradbury took all his Martian stories and tied them together. The title was the editor's idea, he suggested, "You could call it “The Martian Chronicles.” Bradbury liked the idea and recalled making notes in 1944 to do a book set on Mars. That evening, he stayed up all night at the YMCA and typed out an outline. He took it to the Doubleday editor the next morning, who read it and wrote Bradbury a check for seven hundred and fifty dollars. When Bradbury returned to Los Angeles, he connected all the short stories and that became The Martian Chronicles.

From Wikipedia

A Tent That Looks Like A Book!

This amazing literary camping accessory was created by designer Jack Maxwell.

The Fully Booked tent costs $765.96, but it will send a clear message everywhere you camp: I love to read. The dimensions are 11’8″ x 5’7″ x 4’7″, enough room for two bookworms to sleep.

Here’s more from the site: “Are you a big fan of books? We mean, are you a really big fan of books. Because this is, well, it’s an enormous book. It looks like a giant has dropped his favourite best seller. Plus, it also lets you meet up with other book fans on the campsite. You can even hold book groups in your tent and discuss whether Twilight is better than Harry Potter.”

Thanks to GalleyCat for the article!

Author Self-Publishes Rejected Book Then Lands Seven Figure Deal!!

Tracey Garvis Graves Inks 7-Figure Deal - GalleyCat

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Inspiration for the Writer

 “I write when I’m inspired, and I see to it that I’m inspired at nine o’clock every morning.” --- Peter De Vries, American editor and novelist known for his satiric wit.